Friday, September 28, 2007

Calendar of Events

September 11-October 16, 8:30-9:30- Mindy Sheps teaches Tai Chi at Bluffs Park.

Thursday, October 11- 11am-12:15-Joe Lopez teaches Push Hands at BRC.

On Saturdays, beginning October 20, 11-12 noon, Master Su teaches Tai Chi Chi Gong at BRC.

October 23-December 11, 8:30-9:30- Master Su teaches Sun Style 9 form tai chi at Bluffs.

Every Saturday, Malibu's Doria Cook-Nelson teaches 108 Yang Style Tai Chi at Angel City Yoga.

(See below for details.)

Push Hands
Taught by
Joe Lopez

22601 Pacific Coast Highway #250 Malibu
(just above PC Greens)


Thursdays from 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 a.m.
Starting October 11, 2007

$12 per class.

Class will begin with a brief set of loosening exercises that are especially for push hands, followed by prearranged push hand training. Soon after, we will move on to learning and training freestyle push hands.The Tai Chi Form represents the individual. Push hands represents the individual in relationship. In push hands we learn the skills of Tai Chi with a partner, but deeper than that, when learned properly, it is a personal growth process. Students should have some familiarity with Tai Chi.

In his twenties, Joe Lopez founded what became the largest Martial Arts Academy in New York City. He started studying Internal Arts in the sixties before most people knew they existed. By very good fortune, he was able to study with Professor Cheng Man Ching, one of the greatest Tai Chi Masters of our time. Joe also studied Chi Gong and Tai Chi with a number of other Masters.

With forty-five years of martial arts experience, Joe has taught Tai Chi Chuan, Push hands, Sword, Sword Fencing, Saber and a number of styles of Chi Gong, including Tai Chi Ruler.

The Incomparable Master Su is teaching
Sun Style 9 Form Tai Chi
in Malibu!

October 23 - December 11, 2007.

Master Su ZiFang will teach at Bluffs Park in Malibu on Tuesday mornings from 8:30 to 9:30. This class is geared primarily for seniors, although all are welcome. The cost is $20 per class. For more information or to register, please call 310/456-CITY, extension 272.

Master Su Zifang, named one of China’s 100 Outstanding Wushu Practitioners by the Chinese National Wushu Association, is known as the “Queen of Taiji” in China. Master Su Zifang started learning wushu at the age of eight and was identified by the Chinese government for full-time training among China’s great martial artists at age eleven. During her 45 years of practice, competition, and teaching since then, she has gained distinction for her skill in China where the popularity of martial arts as its national sport generates many skilled practitioners. Her specialties are Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and Xingyiquan. She has been awarded 21 gold and 10 silver medals in national and international competitions, and has coached the decorated national wushu team of Singapore for eight years.